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Text File | 1995-03-01 | 40.4 KB | 1,024 lines |
- Solar System Wars -- Version 1.38
- Copyright © 1992-1995 James Cleverdon. All Rights Reserved.
- The binary copy of THIS version of SSW and its other files may be
- freely distributed for non-commercial purposes, including and
- especially by Fred Fish's wonderful collection of software, as well as
- the great AmiNet system, world-wide.
- More legal garbage and disclaimers below.
- New Features for Version 1.38
- * Fixed bug that sometimes left torpedo pixels on the screen when a
- Cluster Pod popped.
- * Fixed glitch in joystick routines that made a Cloaked ship flicker if
- you tried Hyperspace at the same time.
- * Made the Disruptor more disruptive. When hit, a ship will accelerate
- with quad thrust while spinning.
- Requirements
- * Runs under OS 1.3, 2.0+, and 3.0+.
- * Needs at least 194K of Fast RAM and 49K of Chip RAM, assuming you use
- the supplied SSW.snd file. (Heavily fragmented memory may prevent
- SSW from running, even if there is enough chip and fast RAM listed by
- the Avail command.)
- * Only needs 5K of stack space, but I'm keeping SAS/C's default of 8K
- in SSW.info to be safe.
- * Requires all of the hardware sprites, all 4 audio channels, and the
- potgo.resource bits for gameport unit 1.
- * Works with one-button digital joysticks (standard Amiga joysticks),
- but three-button or two-button joysticks are strongly advised.
- Instructions for joystick re-wire are included below. Does not
- support analog joysticks or Sega gamepads (mostly, see note below).
- Quick Start-up
- * Install SSW.
- + If SSW isn't compressed and came on a floppy, either run it from
- the floppy (label it SSW:), or just drag the SSW drawer to RAM or
- onto your hard drive.
- + If SSW came compressed, or was downloaded, create a drawer named
- SSW and decompress the archive file in the usual way:
- * Make a new drawer (directory) named SSW
- * open up a shell and CD SSW
- If you have SSW.lha: lha -x -a -m x SSW.lha
- * Have a joystick plugged into Joyport 1, and either be ready to plug
- in a second joystick into Joyport 0, or familiarize yourself with the
- keyboard control keys. If you have two-button or three-button
- joysticks now is the time to use them! Or, you can use ordinary one-
- button joysticks and some keys on the keyboard.
- * Start up SSW. Use either the Workbench or the Shell. Be sure that
- either its files are in the drawer with SSW, or else enter in the
- Shell:
- assign SSW: drawer_containing_files
- If SSW lives on its own floppy disk, label it SSW.
- relabel df0: SSW
- * Select any desired options from the menu with the mouse or keyboard.
- (See below for a list of menu command keys. Also, a file named
- Menu.keys has been provided for easy reference and printing.)
- An especially fun option is the Random Game (RightAmiga-R), which
- will randomly select solar systems for each round, along with a
- random extra weapon for each player. There are also menus for photon
- torpedo velocity, torpedo life, ship thrust, etc.
- * If you will be playing with two joysticks, then replace the mouse
- with the second one now. Then press RightAmiga-1 to switch
- to joystick control.
- * Enjoy! The first player to reach 20 points wins!
- * After the end of a game, press 'O' to start a new game, or start one
- earlier using RightAmiga-N.
- Joystick and Keyboard Control
- Joystick control:
- Button1 : Fire photon torpedo
- Left/Rght: Turn Left/Right
- Forward : Thrust
- Back : Hyperspace
- Button2 : Extra weapon
- Button3 : Full Shields
- (If you do not have two-button joysticks, for the Extra Weapon use:
- port 0: RightShift, ENTER,
- port 1: LeftShift
- If you lack three-button joysticks, for keyboard Full Shields use:
- port 0: RightAlt, Pad .
- port 1: LeftAlt
- )
- Keyboard control:
- (the numbers and period are on the keypad, not on the keyboard)
- DOWN, 5: Fire photon torpedo
- RETURN, 0: Hyperspace
- LEFT, 4: Turn Left
- RIGHT, 6: Turn Right
- UP, 8: Thrust
- RSHIFT, 2: Extra weapon
- RAlt, .: Full Shields
- 7 : Left & Thrust
- 9 : Right & Thrust
- Program control:
- ESC, Q: Quit
- P : Pause
- HELP : Displays Help requester
- Common Gotchas
- * Make sure the files named SSW.grv and SSW.snd are in the
- current directory, or located at the SSW: assignment. Otherwise, SSW
- will complain and die.
- * You may need to adjust the screen position Preferences in order to
- see the seventh sprite. In other words, if the purple ship's plasma
- bolt or seeker don't show up on the screen, do the following:
- + quit SSW -- type 'Q', followed by 'Y'
- + open the Preferences program for OS 1.3, or for OS 2.X
- and beyond, run the Overscan program in the Prefs drawer
- then select Edit Standard Overscan.
- + shift the default screen position a little bit to the right
- + leave via the Use gadget
- + run SSW again
- Keep trying this until you find a screen position that allows the
- 7th sprite to appear, and best fits your monitor. Once you have
- this, either save this setting in Preferences, or use one of the
- public domain Preferences savers to save this setting in a file for
- easy recall later. (Prefs savers are available on Fred Fish disks,
- AmiNet, and many BBSs.)
- * If you've forgotten to press RightAmiga-1, then a joystick
- plugged into the mouse joyport won't do anything useful.
- * If a four star or four asteroid system is on the screen, then the
- mouse will be turned off -- even if one player is using the keyboard.
- * If you have an AGA Amiga, run SSW in EGA emulation mode.
- Menus Explained
- A = Right Amiga Key, C = Control Key, other keys such as ESC are named.
- (i.e. AC-A means hold down RightAmiga and Control, then press 'A'.)
- Project
- Pause? A-P Pause the game
- New A-N Start a New game
- About... HELP, AC-A
- Screen To Front A-[ Move the SSW screen to front
- Screen To Back A-] Push the SSW screen to back
- Quit... A-Q Leave SSW
- System
- No Primaries A-Z No stars at all
- One Primary Your ship orbits one star
- Red Dwarf A-E
- Yellow Star A-Y
- Blue Giant AC-S
- Small Black Hole A-T
- Medium Black Hole A-U
- Large Black Hole A-I
- Two Primaries Your ship orbits two stars
- Red Dwarves A-O
- Red / Yellow A-{
- Red / Blue A-}
- Red / Sml BH A-D
- Red / Med BH A-F
- Red / Lrg BH A-G
- Yellow Stars A-H
- Yellow / Blue A-J
- Yellow / Sml BH A-K
- Yellow / Med BH A-;
- Yellow / Lrg BH A-:
- Blue Giants A-'
- Blue / Sml BH A-"
- Blue / Med BH AC-L
- Blue / Lrg BH A-X
- Small Black Holes A-C
- Sml BH / Med BH A-V
- Sml BH / Lrg BH A-,
- Medium Black Holes A-<
- Med BH / Lrg BH A-.
- Large Black Holes A->
- Three Primaries Your ship orbits three stars
- Red / Yel / Yel A-/
- Yel / Blue / Blue A-?
- Yel / SBH / SBH A-DEL
- Blue / MBH / MBH A-ESC
- BH: S / M / M AC-B
- BH: M / L / L AC-G
- Four Primaries Your ship "orbits" four stars
- Red Dwarves AC-O
- Yellow Stars AC-P
- Blue Giants AC-Q
- Small Black Holes AC-R
- Misc. Systems Other solar systems
- Black Ellipse A-BACKSPACE
- Wide Red Binary AC-J
- Wide Yellow Binary AC-N
- Wide Blue Binary A-`
- Wide Sml BH Binary A-~
- Wide Med BH Binary A-SPACE
- Wide Lrg BH Binary A-TAB
- Asteroid Swarm AC-K
- Asteroid? A-A Add asteroid to 0/1 star games
- Options
- Beginner Mode? A-B No random high-gravity systems
- Random Game? A-R Randomize every round
- Screen Wrap? A-W Choose screen wrap vs. bounce
- Ship Thrust Pick ship thrust
- Low A-_
- Medium A-+
- High A-|
- Torp Velocity Pick photon torpedo velocity
- Low A--
- Medium A-=
- High A-\
- Torp Lifetime Pick photon torpedo lifetime
- Short A-S
- Medium A-M
- Long A-L
- Green Ship Opts
- Joyport 0 A-1 Control from mouse port
- Keyboard A-2 Control from keyboard
- Cloaking A-3 Your ship turns invisible
- Disruptor A-4 Shoot a disruptive energy blast
- Anomalizer A-5 Fire an anomaly blast
- Plasma Bolt A-6 Hurl a ball of electric death
- Quad Thrust A-7 Accelerate at quadruple thrust
- Seeker A-8 Launch a seeker missile
- Guided Torp A-9 Shoot a remote-controlled torp
- Cluster Pod A-0 Fire pod that bursts into torps
- Purple Ship Opts
- Joyport 1 A-! --Ditto--
- Keyboard A-@
- Cloaking A-#
- Disruptor A-$
- Anomalizer A-%
- Plasma Bolt A-^
- Quad Thrust A-&
- Seeker A-*
- Guided Torp A-(
- Cluster Pod A-)
- Weapons, etc.
- * Photon Torpedo -- shoot a simple missile in the direction your ship
- is currently pointing. A torpedo's initial velocity and lifetime are
- controlled by Options sub-menus. You may only have twelve torpedoes
- in flight at one time, but torpedoes are otherwise unlimited.
- * Regular Shields -- a gray ring around your ship that absorbs Photon
- Torpedos, Plasma Bolts, and Seekers, as well as providing limited
- protection from collisions with asteroids and stars. Torpedos erode
- holes in your shields, exposing your ship to sudden destruction.
- Contact with a star, opponent, asteroid, Plasma Bolt, Guided Torp,
- Cluster Pod, Anomalizer, or Seeker will overload and destroy your
- shield generator. It also makes a "ping" sound.
- * Regular thrust -- accelerates your ship in the direction it points.
- The thrust level is controlled by an Options sub-menu. Fuel is
- unlimited.
- * Hyperspace -- activated by pulling directly back on a joystick (no
- diagonals!) or by pressing the RETURN key or 0 on the keypad.
- Hyperspace will teleport your ship to a random location on the
- screen. It takes time for Hyperspace to warp you out and back. Your
- controls will be frozen during this time. Also, the hyperspace warp
- generator takes about two seconds to recharge and be available for
- use again.
- * Full Shields -- when activated, your ship becomes a gray octagon,
- totally immune to photon torpedoes. Full shields are lost under any
- circumstances that would overload your regular shields. Your regular
- shields are lost whenever the Full Shields are lost. Your other
- controls are frozen while Full Shields are up. Full Shields only
- stay up for a maximum of about two seconds before dropping. There is
- an about one-half second recharge delay.
- * Anomalizer -- shoot a blast of anomalistic probability. When hit,
- your opponent may have his velocity, direction, or extra weapon
- randomized. Or, your enemy may be forced into hyperspace, or simply
- hit as if by a Plasma Bolt. Or, maybe something else.....
- * Cloaking -- your ship becomes invisible, except for a slight wavering
- in the background stars. You may turn and accelerate while cloaked,
- at the cost of becoming partly visible, but may not fire any weapons.
- Cloaked ships are not tracked by Seekers. There is an about one-half
- second cloaking device recharge delay.
- * Disruptor -- fire a burst of disruptive EMF energy that travels at the
- speed of light. It causes no damage, but confuses your foe for a
- moment. Also, it will detonate other extra weapons.
- * Plasma Bolt -- shoots a large, writhing ball of energy. Has a
- limited range, and will be detonated by "just one" photon torpedo.
- * Quad Thrust -- accelerates your ship with four times its normal
- acceleration. Note that SSW does have a maximum allowed speed for
- all objects (the "speed of light"), which is easy to reach using Quad
- Thrust.
- * Seeker -- fires a missile which will seek out and hit your opponent.
- In fairness to the other player, Seekers are very simple-minded.
- Seekers can not track Cloaked ships (despite S.T. 6), but will keep
- their last acceleration vector.
- * Guided Torp -- shoots a missile that you may control. When your
- extra weapon button is pressed, turn or accelerate commands will be
- sent to the guided missile. When released, turn or accelerate
- commands are done by your ship, as usual. You may re-press your
- extra weapon button to control the guided missile as often as you
- like.
- * Cluster Pod -- fires a pod that will burst in a spray of short-lived
- shrapnel. Direct hits are usually devastating.
- You may not shoot a second Plasma Bolt, Seeker, Anomalizer, Guided
- Torp, Disruptor, or Cluster Pod until the first is gone, or until a
- one-quarter second recharge delay has passed.
- Other notes:
- + Beginner Mode -- when playing the Random Game, the selected solar
- system will not have too many high-gravity stars in it.
- + Random Game -- when turned on, SSW will randomly select a system and
- extra weapon for each player. You never get the same extra weapon
- twice in a row.
- Ask Capt'n Quirk
- And now that grizzled and grouchy veteran of Solar System Wars, Captain
- Quirk -- one who deals out insults, death, and run-on sentences in all
- directions, will answer some of your questions about game strategy!
- Thank you, worthless pandering announcer. There's a big backlog
- today, so let's go right to the first member of the audience:
- Q: How can I keep from getting blown out of the sky whenever my enemy
- gets Seeker and I get something wimpy like Cloaking?
- A: What! You've got Cloaking against Seeker and you come whining to
- me? Get yer pathetic rear-end back out in the arena and USE
- Cloaking! Once you are cloaked, Seekers can't track your ship!
- However, they will keep their last heading, so if you uncloak to
- fire off a burst of torpedoes, then recloak after a Seeker is coming
- your way, be sure to accelerate away from your last course. That
- will fool 'em every time.
- Q: Suppose I don't have Cloaking, but have Guided Torp instead?
- A: Do I have to do all your thinking for you? Haven't you noticed how
- totally stupid Seekers are? Just get something massive, like a star
- or an asteroid between you and it and the Seeker will mindlessly ram
- into it. What's more, Seekers never consider gravity in their
- attack programs and are easily confused by a Black Hole's gravity.
- Q: I try all that and still get fried. Now what?
- A: Get out of here! <draws and waves blaster menacingly> I
- haven't even mentioned shooting Seekers with torps, warping out of
- danger with Hyperspace, outrunning them with Quad Thrust, or
- blasting them with Plasma Bolts, Anomalizers, Guided Torps, or
- Cluster Pods!
- Next questioner.
- Q: If my ship can Cloak, why can't it fire Plasma Bolts when uncloaked?
- I saw that very move on an old episode of Star T<<ZZAAPP!!>>
- A: <blowing on blaster barrel> Sorry, sonny! You tried to say the
- "S.T." phrase, which is a registered trademark of Paramount
- Corporation. Don't even THINK of saying it on my show.
- Speaking of things we don't mention, <points blaster at camera>
- I don't want six hundred of you weekend-SSW geeks out there writing
- in and telling me that on S.T. 6 they had a modified torpedo track a
- cloaked ship. <blasts nearby table> I know that, and thought it was
- a stupid plot gimmick when I saw the movie. Any sensor they could
- mount on a torpedo should be available for phaser lock on the
- Enterprise. Lazy screenwriters! <burns a microphone cable in two>
- <takes a sheath of papers from a trembling stagehand>
- Our next question is from a fax:
- Q: I have a hard time reaching the keyboard to use my Extra weapon or
- Full Shields. How do you manage?
- A: Now that's a fair question. Either get into the habit of reaching
- for a shift key on the keyboard, or buy or build yourself some three
- button digital joysticks. If you can locate a nine wire joystick
- cable and find some joysticks that have enough room inside to
- install two normally-open push-buttons, then its easy to rewire an
- existing joystick.
- One more thing: take the usual precautions when dealing with hot
- solder, connecting anything homemade up to your Amiga, etc. If
- some pitiful excuse for a lawyer shows up on my doorstep, trying to
- serve me a lawsuit because I didn't warn you not to do something
- truly stupid, then I'll burn the lawyer down where he stands and
- spit on the ashes.
- <waves blaster, picture bounces as cameraman dives for cover>
- But, I've already been warned twice that I'm over my Lawyer limit
- for this season -- so don't screw up, OK?
- Now a question from the audience.
- Q: Why are the orbits around Blue / Medium, Small / Medium, Yellow /
- Large, Red / Medium, and Medium / Large Binaries so unstable,
- especially in a Bounce game?
- A: Good question -- I won't kill you.
- <vaporizes an innocent bystander instead> Those orbits have
- resonances with those of their primaries. That, along with the crude
- approximation that passes for gravity in SSW does the rest. Anyway,
- what do you care about orbits? Are you a pilot, or what?
- What is the younger generation coming to? For Zelkor's sake, use
- some imagination, will you?
- This will be our last question today. From the audience:
- Q: I had just about peeled all the shields from my opponent while only
- taking one or two hits myself, and was coming back in from the
- Twilight Zone to finish him off, when I blew up for no reason at
- all. What happened?
- A: At last, a question worth answering! Remember that while you are in
- the Twilight Zone the Amiga hardware collision detection circuitry
- isn't checking for collisions. In the Twilight Zone, everyone and
- every torpedo is safe. However, that also means that a torpedo that
- ordinarily would be absorbed by your shields has a chance of
- drifting inside your shields, and may still be there when you emerge
- from the Twilight Zone. If that happens to you -- BOOM!
- <Blasts an off-camera object> To avoid this you can use Full
- Shields on every entrance or exit from the Twilight Zone.
- Otherwise, just be very careful out there.
- That's all for today, but be sure to listen to the next exciting
- episode of "Ask Capt'n Quirk!"
- <fade to black as the SWAT team tackles Captain Quirk>
- Known Offences Against the OS 2.0 Style Guide
- * Turns off the mouse when a player is using Joyport 0, or a four or
- four asteroid solar system is on the screen.
- * Topaz 8 is hard-coded into the menus, requesters, and opening screen.
- * Not Internationalized.
- * Uses raw key events without proper mapping.
- * SSW's screen does not have drag or depth gadgets. (See the Screen
- To Back and Screen To Front menu entries for a replacement.)
- * The Quit and About requesters are not draggable or depth arrangable,
- and do not set a "Wait" pointer in the main window when activated.
- * Game settings cannot be saved or loaded.
- * Doesn't read Tool Types from icon files.
- * Pays no attention to Shell command line arguments.
- Known Deficiencies
- * On my A1000 running v1.3, the menu command keys for RightAmiga-3 and
- RightAmiga-Control-Q seemed to have swapped functions. It works just
- fine under v2.04+, or using the mouse, so I assumed it was a v1.3 bug
- in menu command processing and rearranged the menu linked lists to put
- the joyport select entries in front of the system select entries.
- Summary: Beware! Under v1.3 you may get wierd results when selecting
- solar systems using the RightAmiga and Control keys. If that happens,
- switch control of joyport 0 back to the mouse and try again.
- * On an A3000 running an old version of 2.0, one of the beta testers
- reported that occasionally when an Anomalizer sprite crosses the upper
- or lower screen boundaries, its ship will flash white, or worse, the
- Copper list for the Anomalizer sprite gets corrupted and you see a
- long stripe of chip RAM. Solution: upgrade!
- * The use of keyboard screen dragging will misalign the sprites with
- SSW's screen.
- * Uses hardware collision detection for all collisions except between
- photon torpedoes -- the Twilight Zone on Wrap games is a safety zone
- from all collisions. Also, because there are no detection bits for
- collisions between members of a sprite pair, your own Plasma Bolts,
- Seekers, Guided Torps, etc won't kill you.
- (Twilight Zone: the off-screen part of the game playfield.)
- * I can find no easy way of knowing whether the SSW screen is in the
- foreground, at least not without digging deep into private Intuition
- data. This makes it hard for the Copper interrupt routine to
- know whether to consume the Copper interrupt, or not. So I play
- around with the ScreenToFront and ScreenToBack functions and window
- activation events to try to insure that either SSW's screen is in
- front of all others, or that it is in back and the game is paused.
- * Because of the fact that SSW jams its own values into the posctldata
- fields of sprites, and uses several low-level hardware registers, SSW
- may fail with future custom chips. Amazingly, it works with the AGA
- chip set in compatability mode!
- * Since SSW uses a quick-and-dirty approximation for faster gravity
- calculations, some star systems are unstable. Trinary systems will
- hit the screen edge after about 10 to 13 minutes. This is almost
- never a problem, since most rounds last under two minutes.
- * Uses ADCMD_LOCKs on the audio device, so it will release a requested
- channel, then attempt to reallocate it. All this is according to the
- rules in the RKM, which allow sharing of audio channels. However,
- some programs don't wait long enough for SSW to release its audio
- locks, and fail.
- Potential Portability Problems
- * The ScreenToBack menu selection uses a probably non-portable kludge
- to activate the foremost window in the Workbench screen.
- * Uses hardware registers for sprite/playfield collision detection, and
- changes the POTGO register to use two or three button joysticks.
- * Directly modifies the posctldata fields of sprites, so anything that
- shifts SSW's view origin will confuse the sprite positioning.
- * Reads hardware for both joysticks.
- * Uses RAWKEY events for the keyboard, so no keymap translations, or
- localization.
- * Installs its own Copper interrupt, and may not work well with other
- Copper interrupts.
- * Assumes that Intuition screens use standard BitMaps.
- * Bypasses the graphics library to read and write photon torpedoes, but
- uses MENUVERIFY and REQVERIFY to synchronize with Intuition.
- * The structure used by the Copper interrupt handler isn't in PUBLIC
- memory, as per the manuals. This won't matter until virtual memory
- is attempted by Commodore.
- * Sets and clears the CHECKED flag directly in MenuItems, although
- protected by Disable/Enable.
- Implementation Details
- * Changes the joyport 0 input device from Mouse to Custom, when told to
- use a joystick in port 0, or when four sprite systems are on the
- screen. This change may be confusing to folks, especially for the 4
- sprite case.
- * Sets up a Low-Res Dual Playfield screen with two bit-planes in either
- PAL or NTSC mode, based on presence of the PAL bit in GfxBase. This
- means that a NTSC A3000 will display a NTSC screen, even if it is
- displaying a PAL Workbench. Sorry, I couldn't find a legal way to
- override this, since any attempt to use NTSC/PAL Display IDs is set
- back to DEFAULT_MONITOR when doing the MakeScreen/RethinkDisplay
- after attaching the Dual Playfield.
- * Installs a Copper Interrupt Server and adds a Copper interrupt to the
- screen.
- * Sorry, can't use AutoRequest or any other window-based requesters for
- the few requesters SSW uses. I need the WINDOWACTIVATE and
- deactivate events to tell me when SSW has been pushed into the
- background. This means using layer-based requesters that don't seem
- to be draggable. Yet another offense against the Style Guide.
- * Allocates audio channels at priority -50, the highest standard level
- for sound effects.
- Legal Garbage and Disclaimers, In Plain English
- Solar System Wars (SSW) will not cure world hunger. It will not bring
- global peace. I do not even guarantee that it is fun to play, or does
- anything more useful than waste CPU cycles.
- If you run this software and your disk drive bursts into flames, or
- your 1000 page dissertation on "Why Entropy Is Politically Incorrect"
- gets corrupted, or something else goes drastically wrong, you will get
- my sympathy but nothing else. I will not provide any money or other
- kind of compensation, no matter how valuable the hardware, software, or
- data that you believe SSW, or SSW's interaction with some other piece
- of software, has destroyed.
- If you, or whoever you got SSW from, has hacked, patched, or otherwise
- modified this package, then there is no telling what it will do, and I
- will not be responsible for any part of any problems such changes
- cause.
- If you don't like these limitations on my liability, then do not run
- Solar System Wars. If you do run SSW, then you have agreed to these
- limitations.
- Moreover, while I retain the copyright to Solar System Wars, this
- version of SSW may be freely copied for non-commercial purposes, as
- thanks for all the fine public domain and freely distributable software
- that I have used over the years. No one may charge more for your copy
- of SSW than Fred Fish charges for one Fish disk. SSW may eventually go
- Shareware, in which case there may be registration fees.
- (Aaarrrggghhhh! I hate the paranoid attitude such legalisms require.)
- Source Code Availability and Bug Fixes
- I'm not making the source code available until I decide if I want to
- make SSW shareware or not. Enjoy this copy entirely guilt-free,
- without any nagging requests to register, to send money anywhere, or to
- make Molotov Cocktails in your basement for the Revolution (any
- Revolution).
- The only thing I ask is that you mail to me any bug reports, great
- ideas, and general impressions you have about SSW. If I do decide to
- release the source code, I'd like all the obvious bugs fixed first.
- My address is:
- James Cleverdon
- 16465 S.W. Estuary Dr., Apt. 101
- Beaverton, OR 97006
- or
- jamesc@sequent.com
- Bug fixes will be released via Fred Fish, AmiNet, and the other usual
- methods.
- Ports for other machines, especially IBM PC clones? Get real! SSW
- relies too heavily on the Amiga custom chips.
- Acknowlegements
- Thanks to my play testers: Clark MacDonald who had the 9-wire cables
- and let me crash his A3000, David Roemer for lots of good ideas
- (especially the random game option), Stewart Boutcher for deadly fire
- and French Vanilla ice cream, and all the others including the Bush
- Harbor Day gang.
- File Manifest
- Here are the files you should have received:
- Name Size What
- Menu.keys 2260 (menu keys text)
- Menu.keys.info 734 (its icon)
- Product-Info 2038 (database description file)
- SSW 55736 (the program)
- SSW.info 463 (the OS 2.0+ icon)
- SSW.doc 40604 (this document)
- SSW.doc.info 735 (its icon)
- SSW.grv 123904 (the gravity table)
- SSW.snd 33284 (the sounds file)
- SSW.snd File Info
- Here is how you can add your own 8SVX sounds to SSW. If you're not
- familiar with the internals of IFF files, see Appendix A in the Devices
- Manual. Lacking that, the IFFparse Library chapter in the 2.0 or higher
- Libraries Manual will help.
- SSW.snd must be an IFF CAT or LIST file containing at least six
- correctly NAMEd FORM 8SVX chunks: bounce1, explode1, fire1, hyper_in1,
- hyper_out1, and thrust1. (Actually, if the '1' suffix is missing, SSW
- assigns the sound to player 1 anyway.) Here's the complete list of
- sounds:
- bounce1, bounce2 - the "ping" sound made when your shields blow
- explode1, explode2 - Bang! You're dead!
- fire1, fire2 - weapons firing sound
- hyper_in1, hyper_in2 - "warping in" sound
- hyper_out1, hyper_out2 - "warping out" sound
- quad1, quad2 - the Quad Thrust sound
- shield1, shield2 - photon torp erodes shields sound
- thrust1, thrust2 - ordinary thrust sound (repeatable)
- torp_die1, torp_die2 - the sound made when a torpedo expires
- The supplied SSW.snd contains: bounce1, bounce2, explode1, explode2,
- fire1, fire2, hyper_in1, hyper_out1, thrust1, and thrust2.
- Where do the other sounds come from? If a player1 sound exists, but
- the corresponding player2 sound doesn't, SSW will copy 1 to 2. The
- quad, shield, and torp_die sounds are derived from the thrust, fire,
- and explode sounds, respectively, if needed.
- The 8SVX FORMs can appear in any order; all SSW cares about is the NAME
- chunk in each one. To avoid dependence on iffparse.library, I don't
- use it. (iffparse didn't come with OS 1.3.)
- I did my own IFF parser. So, don't get too cute with weird IFF files.
- To avoid the need for a large stack, only some chunk types are allowed,
- namely CATs can contain LISTs and FORMs, but nested CATs will be
- skipped. LISTs may contain PROPs and FORMs, but nested CATs and LISTs
- are skipped. All FORMs but 8SVX are skipped. Only the NAME, VHDR, and
- BODY chunks in an 8SVX are read.
- Whoops! In SSW v1.37, I recommended using IFFar, on Fish disk # 162,
- to modify CAT files. Unfortunately, I forgot that it *requires* the
- silly, unregistered, FNAM chunks that it inserts into each FORM as it.
- adds them to the CAT file. Instead, use IFFMaster, by Kay Drangmeister,
- to extract each FORM into a seperate file. Then, you can use IFFar, or
- some other tool, to reassemble your selection of original and new 8SVX
- FORM files into a new SSW.snd CAT file.
- Please note that SSW has some fixed ideas about the volume and repeat
- count of the various sounds. In particular, the thrust and quad sounds
- are set to repeat forever, so avoid any harsh transitions between the
- end and the start of the sample. Also, the hyper_out sound should last
- about the same time as it takes a ship to go through the "warp out" part
- of a hyperspace jump, or the sound will be chopped by the hyper_in
- sound.
- Instructions for Three-Button Joysticks
- First, a crude ASCII picture of the end of a joystick cable. This is
- the DB-9 that plugs into your Amiga, taken from the Hardware Guide:
- _____________________
- / \ The numbers are pin numbers.
- | 5 4 3 2 1 |
- \ / Viewed as you would look into
- \ 9 8 7 6 / its end. Note: female pins.
- \_______________/
- Pin Joystick Mouse * = optional button
- 1 forward V-pulse
- 2 back H-pulse
- 3 left VQ-pulse
- 4 right HQ-pulse
- 5 button3* middle button*
- 6 button1 left button
- 7 +5V +5V
- 9 button2* right button
- All you have to do is add a normally-open push-button with one of the
- button's terminals connected to pin 8 (ground), and the other connected
- to pin 9 (button2), then add another button between pin 5 (button3) and
- pin 8 (ground). Push the first button, which will ground pin 9, and
- fire a plasma bolt. Easy? Maybe.
- Standard joystick cables don't include pins 5, 7, or 9. I was lucky
- enough to have a friend who had a bundle of premade DB-9 cables with
- all 9 wires left over from a previous job.
- You may not be so fortunate. Check electronic surplus stores. Look
- carefully to make sure that there are pins in all nine holes. Get a
- continuity tester and verify that every wire you need is really there.
- Another problem is finding a joystick that has enough room to allow
- extra buttons. Also, it is hard to find a small push-button that is
- both reliable and durable, plus has a button big enough not to leave
- an imprint in your thumb at the end of a difficult game.
- I'm assuming that you have at least some skill at electronics. If not,
- check with someone who is skilled, or read the basic-technique articles
- in an electronics hobby magazine. If you've done all that, then I
- won't need to tell you:
- * Don't burn yourself.
- * Be sure to insulate all your solder joints with electrician's tape or
- heat-shrink tubing.
- * Test the finished product with a continuity tester. (A multi-meter
- set to 'Ohms' or 'Continuity', or even a battery and a light bulb.)
- Connect it between pin 9 and pin 8 on the joystick DB-9 connector.
- The tester should indicate a low-resistance circuit when the new
- button2 is pushed. When you release the button, the tester should
- indicate very high (or infinite) resistance. Then test button3 by
- hooking the tester between pin 5 and pin 8, and doing the test again.
- * Now test for short circuits. When no buttons are pressed and the
- stick is not being pushed, then pin 8 should not be connected to any
- other pin on the connector.
- * If you are installing pull-up resistors, or SPDT switches (described
- below), check that pin 7 is connected *only* to pins 5 and 9 when no
- buttons are pressed. If you aren't installing pull-ups, then pin 7
- should not be connected to *any* other pin regardless of whether any
- button is pressed or not.
- About the only way you can damage your Amiga is by somehow connecting
- the +5V line (pin 7) to ground (pin 8). Test for this mistake even if
- you aren't adding pull-up resistors as described below. Be happy by
- being paranoid about Murphy's Laws.
- Important Note: Some older Amigas, which include my 1000 and a 2000
- owned by a SSW player in Germany, have problems with the second and
- third buttons. Basically, the pull-ups for those pins on the joystick
- ports are weak or entirely defective. While mice use these pins
- without trouble, mice contain their own pull-ups and don't rely those
- of the Amiga.
- How do you know if your Amiga has this problem? You've got it if you
- push the second or third button, release it, and SSW acts as if you
- are still pushing the button. Or, if after about 15 minutes of not
- pushing the button, SSW suddenly believes that it *is* pushed. For
- further evidence, send the SSW screen to the back with the A-] key.
- When you bring the SSW screen back to the front, SSW will now realize
- that you've released the button.
- What to do? Add pull-up resistors to your joystick. Connect a 470
- ohm or 1K ohm resistor between pin 7 (+5V) and pin 9 (button2). Add
- another one between pin 7 and pin 5 (button3).
- Or, if you are using single-throw double-pole buttons, you can connect
- the common terminal to the button pin, hook the normally-closed
- terminal to pin 7, and hook the normally-open terminal to pin 8. That
- way, when the button is released, the pin will be connected to +5.
- When you push the button, it connects the pin to ground. That is what
- we want.
- As long as I'm writing about joysticks, let me pause for a short curse
- at Sega. Why did they swap the +5V and Select pins from the de-facto
- standard that had been long established by Atari, Commodore, etc? Were
- they afraid that they might have a slightly larger market and make too
- much money? &$!*?@ Sega bozos!
- The upshot of the previous paragraph is that an Amiga can't read two of
- the buttons on Sega gamepads because they put the +5V supply on pin 5,
- and put their Select input on pin 7. With Select high, you can read
- the B and C buttons. With Select low, you can read A and Start.
- But, that is exactly opposite of what we want! I can't lower pin 7
- because it is the Amiga's +5 supply. (Yes, I pulled my gamepad apart
- to make sure that the pinout is really wrong.)
- I have two different brands of gamepads: one by Sega, and another
- generic pad. Amazingly, they both work using power provided by the
- pull-up on pin 5. Of course, they both use CMOS muxes internally,
- which take very little power. So, although not guaranteed, many --
- maybe even most -- Sega gamepads will work as two-button joysticks. To
- use them as three-button joysticks requires an adapter or some internal
- rewiring. Maybe I'll buy or build an adapter, and add the interface
- code when I get over being angry at %!$?* Sega. Maybe not.
- References
- "How to Implement Space Wars (or Using Your Oscilloscope as a
- Telescope)" by Dave Kruglinski, Byte, 1977??
- Thoughts for the Future
- * Many analog joysticks have two or three buttons. Since I already have
- to go directly to the hardware for digital joysticks, maybe I can
- support analog as well.....
- * Can the Planet Cruncher be worked in somehow? How about a Tholian
- web?
- * What about a "Death Blossom" kind of weapon that shoots torpedos in
- eight different directions?
- * Would a Tractor Beam be useful? Or, a Pressor Beam?
- * Maybe some way to repair your shields, like don't push a button for
- 30 seconds per pixel repaired. (Of course, right now you can take a
- one-in-sixteen gamble and let your opponent hit you with an
- Anomalizer.)
- * Get real images of asteroids for the asteroid sprites.
- * Would it be worthwhile to allow customized space ships? Can I afford
- the CPU cycles on slow Amigas?
- * Maybe go from a shield erosion model, to a shield heating model, like
- in "The Mote In God's Eye" or E. E. Smith's Lensman series. Of
- course, to do that right I would have to include heating from stars.
- This should be roughly proportional to the sum of the magnitudes of
- the gravitational force vectors, except for black holes. And what
- happens when you finally do blow the shields? BOOM? Or just lose
- them?
- Version Log
- == v1.37 ==
- * Now support for three-button joysticks!
- * Everyone now gets Full Shields all the time, controlled by the third
- button, or the left/right Alt key.
- * New extra weapons! Get ready for the Anomalizer, Disruptor, Guided
- Torp, and the Cluster Pod! Sadly, Flip Ship has gone to that bit
- bucket in the sky.
- * Four star solar systems!
- * New Beginner Mode, which keeps the Random System mode from picking
- high-gravity solar systems.
- * Tested on A1000 (OS 1.3), A500 (OS 1.3), and A3000 (OS 2.1).
- Reports indicate that SSW runs AGA machines. Wow! Hats off to
- Commodore for such great hardware compatibility! SSW is free of
- Enforcer hits on an A3000.
- * Each player now gets twelve active torpedos instead of nine.
- * Enough already! I've changed the random game code so that you'll
- never have the same extra weapon twice in a row. Satisfied? 8-)
- * The Seeker and Cluster Pod sprites are larger and easier to see.
- * Improved Seeker code. They no longer are useless in high gravity
- systems.
- * SSW's sound effects now come in an IFF file! Add your own sounds!
- Amaze your friends! Confound your enemies!
- * Fixed the sprite glitching problem on slower machines.
- * SSW no longer adds an input event handler to eat mouse events. No
- more compatability problems with Commodities or other handlers.
- * Added a New Game requester that shows up after someone wins.
- * Added potgo.resource code to play by the rules.
- * Compiled with cback.o, so SSW will automatically put itself in the
- background.
- == v1.14 ==
- * First public release!
- * All new support for two-button joysticks!
- * Everyone now gets Hyperspace all the time, as well as an extra weapon
- from the Options menus!
- * Double-thick shields for EXTRA protection!
- * Improved color register handling for superior performance without
- the earlier glitching problems!
- * Much smoother motion, because now SSW does one game cycle (complete
- with all gravity calculations) for every screen frame, even on
- standard A1000 and A500 machines! Yes, that's 50Hz for PAL and 60Hz
- for NTSC. The only exception is for cycles involving sprite
- collisions, which take two screen frames per game cycle.
- * All of the gravity and update subroutines have been redone in
- hand-optimized assembly code for extra speed, plus the added bonus
- of now fitting entirely in the instruction caches of 68020 and 68030
- CPUs!
- * Tested on A1000 (OS 1.3), A500 (OS 1.3), and A3000 (OS 2.04).
- Should run under OS 2.1. Will almost certainly break on an AGA chip
- machine. Is free of Enforcer hits on A3000.
- * Multi-tasks. (SSW should be the highest priority CPU-intensive task
- for smoothest game play.)
- == Earlier ==
- * Before the beginning of time. Delete any SSWs before 1.14.